LDWN Podcast

LDWN Podcast

LDWN Podcast 09 : Eddie Otchere

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The latest episode of Lodown’s podcast series features an entertaining and educational chat between two of Lodown’s original UK ambassadors, writer and journalist Goetz Werner and photographer extraordinaire Eddie Otchere.

Having met in 1995 at the seminal drum&bass night Metalheadz at the legendary Blue Note club in London’s Hoxton Square, Goetz Werner and Eddie Otchere quickly became Lodown’s UK tag team. With Goetz doing the interviews and writing the features and Eddie taking the pictures, the two covered the early drum&bass heyday, the burgeoning UK hip hop scene, some big US hip hop artists like the Wu Tang Clan, Nas, Mos Def and Talib Kweli and a lot of other DJs and musicians from across various musical genres. Always the finger on the pulse, the two often featured future stars in Lodown magazine way before the mainstream media latched onto them.

Over the years Eddie became one of the most iconic music photographers in the UK and Goetz moved into filming and directing and has established himself as a successful director.


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About this podcast

Lodown Magazine was founded in 1995 and has been copied a lot ever since. Due to its high standard of presentation - a hybrid of text-heavy style guide and elaborate eye candy - each issue proves itself to be a collectible piece of state of the art pop culture. Speaking of which: this particular channel puts the well-deserved spotlight on people that essentially helped to shape the ever-evolving pop cultural universe as we know it. In true Lodown-fashion, the illustrious circle of international guests won’t be put together from one specific spectrum only but is assembled from the many pieces the bigger picture is manufactured from: contemporary art, skateboarding, music, fashion, film, graphic design, illustration - and everything in-between.


by Lodown Magazine


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