LDWN Podcast

LDWN Podcast

LDWN Podcast 07 : Steffen Grap

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Berlin-Urgestein Steffen Grap might be many different things at the very same time - a gifted dude behind and in front of the camera, a passionate skateboarder, an avid observer of the latest trends in streetwear-land, an indispensable creative force for Germany’s capital and beyond, an ardent supporter of basically anything pop culture, an artist with a new found love for ink, a true renaissance man - but above all he’s just a super nice guy and overall rad human being. We’ve hooked up with the Grap in early June to learn more about his roots, the current status quo and future projects.


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About this podcast

Lodown Magazine was founded in 1995 and has been copied a lot ever since. Due to its high standard of presentation - a hybrid of text-heavy style guide and elaborate eye candy - each issue proves itself to be a collectible piece of state of the art pop culture. Speaking of which: this particular channel puts the well-deserved spotlight on people that essentially helped to shape the ever-evolving pop cultural universe as we know it. In true Lodown-fashion, the illustrious circle of international guests won’t be put together from one specific spectrum only but is assembled from the many pieces the bigger picture is manufactured from: contemporary art, skateboarding, music, fashion, film, graphic design, illustration - and everything in-between.


by Lodown Magazine


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